Alert Details

Specify this alert content:

  • Attributes to show in the alert's content.
  • Alert message text. Type "@" to auto select the attributes to use in the message. The message is required to activate your alarm.
  • Infor Ming.le category is used to group the alerts under a certain topic, for example, "sales".
  • Duration of your alarm is one day unless you specify another lifetime. One calendar month is the maximum lifetime span you can use. You can also set your alarm to be active for 3, 7 or 14 days. An alarm expires when it generated an alert.

Select the option Send alert as email, to also be notified by email

Select START to activate your mobile monitor. Alternatively, select SAVE AS DRAFT to activate the alarm later. When you completed the activation, the Infor Alarms page is displayed.

When alarms are created, you see them directly on the Infor Alarms page when you log in.