Business Document Name

On starting a business document template, you see the list of available attributes for the selected business document. On the screen, you can:

  • Specify the name of your mobile monitor
  • Select attributes
  • Specify for each attribute a comparison operator and a value
  • Invite users to be alerted when the specified conditions are evaluated as "true" for the business document

You can keep the default name for your alarm, which consists of the used template name and the alarm's creation date. To continue, you must select at least one attribute.

On the Attribute screen, you can specify comparison operators and values for each selected attribute. After selection, the attribute is removed from the list. In case of many attributes, you can filter the long list by name using the search icon.

For each attribute, select a comparison operator by clicking the blue icon between the attribute name and its value. The list of operators is based on the attribute type. You can specify multiple values for In set operator when this operator is available for the attribute. Then, only the first value is shown in the field and the other values are grouped under + # more items.

For the Duration attribute, select a numeric value and a time measure value independently. You can specify a number and select a unit of measurement: hours, days, or weeks. To specify a long duration, that is, several months, select a higher number of weeks.

All conditions defined in one alarm are joined by logical AND.

Note: in alarms you cannot use complex monitoring rules such as:
  • date time check
  • value change
  • document overdue
  • multi-occurrence

When you have defined all conditions that will be evaluated as true in order to send an alert, click Save.