Log file collector

To collect the ION log files from the system, you can use the log collector, collectLogFiles.bat. This batch file collects the ION log files on the host and stores them in a zip file. You can find the collectLogFiles.bat file in this folder:

Infor LTR installation folder\InforTechStackGrid\grid\applications\IONService\appdata\ion.connect.1\IONContainer\bin\

You must have access rights for the ION Grid folders to be able to run the log collector. Add your user name to the Windows InforTechStackGrid_full user group or to an explorer trying to open the folder: ION installation\ION\IONGrid.

Click Continue on the message that informs you that you are not authorized for this folder.

If no parameters are specified, the batch file creates this .zip file: ionlogcollection_timestamp.zip

You can find the file on the host where the .bat was run in the %TEMP% folder of the user with the ION log files.

This table shows the parameters:

Parameter Description
-help Information about the usage.
-o[utputfile] Location and name of the zip file. Can include a path. UNC paths are not supported. An example:

-o c:\temp\logcollector.zip

-n[oarchive] Will skip archive log files
-mtime numberOfDays Collects log files that were updated in the last numberOfDays. numberOfDays: 0, or a negative number.

For example: -mtime -1 collects log files that were changed in the last 24 hours.