ION widgets overview

Name Description
Messages and Events Real-time counters of all inbound and outbound messages sent to and from ION, and the number of open workflows, tasks and alerts. This widget replaces the ION Insight widget.
Messages by document Overview of all inbound and outbound messages for a specific document type. This widget replaces the ION by document widget.
Messages by connection Overview of all inbound and outbound messages for a specific connection point, including statistics on errors and queue size. This widget replaces the ION by connection widget.
Workflow Status Overview of started, now open, stopped, and completed workflows since the time specified, including statistics on completion lead time. This widget replaces the ION Workflows widget.
Task Status Overview of these tasks:
  • Tasks that are now open, including new, unassigned, and assigned tasks
  • Generated tasks
  • Canceled tasks
  • Taks that were completed since the time specified

This widget replaces the ION Tasks widget.

Alert Status Overview of these alerts:
  • Alerts that are now open, including new, unassigned, and assigned alerts
  • Generated alerts
  • Canceled alerts
  • Alerts that were completed since the time specified

This widget replaces the ION Alerts widget.