A mapping can have multiple versions. The Mapper and ION Desk can track these versions internally to detect which version of a mapping is used by a data flow model. Multiple versions of a mapping in the approved state may be in use in several different data flow models at any point in time.
A mapping can be an approved version, such as V1 or V2, or a draft in the editable state. Activation of a mapping is done outside of the Mapper tool.
The user validates the latest available draft by invoking the approve method in the Mapper. An approved mapping can be used in an active data flow.
If the latest mapping version is approved, it is locked and the major version number gets incremented by +1 from the previous version. For example: Version 1 -> Version 2.
If the latest version is currently a full version, which is Active-Approved, the version information remains unchanged. Active-Approved means this version has not been edited since its last activation and no current draft exists.