Sample project

The zip file you downloaded contains a sample project for a workflow exit point. This sample project is created using NetBeans IDE 8.0.2. The workflow exit point is implemented as a service; therefore you can use another technology of your choice, such as Microsoft .NET. In that case, use the workflow exit point WSDL as the starting point. The WSDL is included in the sample project, but you can also download it separately from ION Desk.

The sample contains a class which shows this information:

  • How you can use a single service for multiple commands.
  • How to handle input and output parameters. A VariableHelper class is available that provides methods to retrieve the value for input parameters and methods to set the value for output parameters.
  • How you can implement string concatenation in an exit point.

    For this example, the workflow model must have three parameters of type String called "String1", "String2", and "ConcatenatedString". After the workflow exit step is performed, the "ConcatenatedString" parameter contains the value String1+String2.

  • How you can use a service to read one value from a workflow structure based on an xpath. For this example, the workflow model must have these elements:
    • A workflow structure that is used to read data from.
    • One parameter, called "path", of the String type. This parameter must be initialized with the xpath to one element in the structure.

      Example: Building/Floor[<idx>]/FloorName returns the name of the Floor number "idx" from the structure called "Building".

    • One parameter, called "idx", of the Integer type. This parameter must be set to a value that is an index in the structure, starting with 1.
    • One parameter, called "result", of the String type. This parameter will contain the value extracted from the structure after the workflow exit point execution.