Handled in
Select an object under the HANDLED IN category in the Field Type drop-down list:
- Activation policy
- Alarm Template
- Alarm
- Connection point
- Document Split
- Mapping
- Monitor
- Scripting
- Workflow in document flow
This table shows the advanced search criteria for the “Handled In” category:
Handled in Activation Policy | Select one or more activation policy names from the available drop-down list. |
Handled in Alarm Template | Select one or more alarm templates names from the available drop-down list. |
Handled in Alarm | Select one or more user names from the available drop-down list of the users who created the alarms on their mobile devices or homepage widget. |
Handled in Connection Point | Select one or more connection point names from the available drop-down list. |
Handled in Document Split | Select splitter name(s) that are used in document flow. |
Handled in Mapping | Select one or more mapping names from the available drop-down list. |
Handled in Monitor | Select one or more monitor names from the available drop-down list. |
Handled in Workflow in document flow | Select workflow name(s) that are used in document flow. |
If the document is not displayed in the search results the source or destination connection point that handles this document can be in error or paused status. A warning is displayed if one or more active connection points are in error or paused status. Click the hyperlink in the warning message. The Active Connection Points page is displayed. On this page, you can find out which connection points are in error or paused status.
Filtering timeline
When you use "Handled in" to search for documents that are handled in a connection point, activation policy or a workflow. You can filter the timeline view. Only the components that handled a message are shown.
Put the switch above the timeline from All Components to Handled in to show only the components that handled a message.
Processing components that precede and follow the component marked with the “Handled” flag get dismissed. The connection points stay visible to keep the context.