Generating reports for user actions

For each activity, the status trail of user actions is recorded. To review all user actions within a time interval, you can generate reports in the form of PDF documents.

You can generate reports from these pages:

  • Monitors & Workflows > Activities
  • Monitors & Workflows > Archive > Archived Activities
  1. Specify a filter.
  2. Click Search to apply the filter.
  3. If there are activities that fulfill the filter conditions, click Generate Report. A report is generated for the activities included in the current filter.
    A maximum of 10000 activities are included in the report.
  4. Click Yes in the Create Report dialog box to confirm the report generation.
  5. If an error message is displayed about a font not available, verify the pre-requisites for uploading the font for reporting.
    See "Font for reporting" in Configuration Files tab.

    Alerts, Tasks and Notifications without the status "Done" or "Cancelled" are closed after the specified period of time. To verify the complete item history, check each item individually. You can generate the report again with the same "From date" and with a "To date" later in time.