Access level
Currently in ION Desk, these access levels are available:
- None
This level denies the user from having any type of access on the resource.
- View
This level provides read only access to the user on the resource. Typical actions associated with the 'View' access level are: Details, Search, Export
- All
This level provides the user to run all actions on the resource. Typical actions associated with the Al' access level are: All actions of View level, New, Save, Delete, Duplicate, Import, Activate and other custom actions that results in any change on ION Desk or ION Service.
The final decision on providing access to a resource is based on sum of all permissions a user may have. If the user has two ION Desk profiles attached to his role(s) and if a particular resource is denied in one profile while allowed in the other, the user will be given access to the resource.