Changing active workflow definitions

You can change the properties of the workflow steps in a workflow model without deactivating the workflow definition. An overview of allowed changes is listed further in this section.

In case of other changes on the workflow definition, you must first deactivate it. No new workflows are started while the workflow definition is inactive.

To change a workflow definition without deactivation:

  1. Open the workflow definition detail page and make the required changes.
    Here you can change the Workflow description and the labels of the structure elements.
  2. Save the changes and return to the workflow definitions overview page.
  3. Activate the changed workflow definition to apply the changes to the active workflow definition in the ION Service.
    This table shows the changes you can make in the workflow steps without deactivating the workflow definition:
    Workflow steps Allowed changes
    Workflow definition Description and labels of structure elements
    User task Description, priority, message and its translations, option to show notes from previous steps, parameter labels and translations and read-only check box, distribution, escalation and reminders
    Task Chain Message and its translations, content parameter labels, translations and read-only check box, approval actions labels and translations, approval matrix add/remove rows, add/remove parameters to check, conditions and distribution in table cells, escalation and reminders
    Notification Description, message and its translations, parameter labels and translations, distribution
    Set Parameter Parameter to set and assignment type
    Subprocess Name
    Loopback Number of loops
    Decision Table Description, add/remove parameters to set, comparison conditions in matrix cells, values for parameters to set, option to use Business Rules.
    Workflow Exit Point Description, URL, command, selection to include notes from previous steps, connection settings
    ION API Description, Operation, Service Account, Input Parameters, Input Body, Output Parameters, Runtime Settings
    • Features or workflow steps not mentioned in the previous table are not editable while the workflow is active.
    • The changes for steps of type User Task or Notification are available after reactivation, for Tasks from running workflow instances that are not yet generated. The other changes are only available when a new workflow instance is triggered.
    • Changes that involve parameters can use only existing workflow parameters.
    • You cannot undo changes that are already saved.