Specifying the alert message

On the Alert tab, specify this information:
Specify the alert message that is displayed by the monitor. You can specify a string up to 255 characters for the alert message or its translations. You can use document attributes that are not marked as "Hide in Alert", surrounded by square brackets, in the message text.
To select from a list of attributes, press Ctrl+Spacebar. To select an attribute, use the arrow keys and press Enter, or use the mouse. To leave the list without selecting an attribute, press Esc. If there is no value/attribute available, the alert shows [?] in the message.
For example, a monitor contains attributes SO_ID and StandardDiscountPercent. You specify this alert message: Sales order [SO_ID] with standard discount [StandardDiscountPercent] has lines where discount given is not within 5% of standard discount.
When an alert is generated, the attributes are substituted with the appropriate values. For example, an alert with this description is generated: Sales order SO1100359 with standard discount 3.0 has lines where discount given is not within 5% of standard discount.
Note: The attribute values of the String type can contain up to 4000 characters. This can expand the length of the message. There is no technical limit on the number of attributes that is allowed in a message; although, depending on the resources available on the system used, an error may happen at runtime. We recommend that you use a maximum of 10 string attributes with placeholders in one message, if all these strings are potentially long.
You can use a special ## delimiter at the end of the alert message to define a category name. The string after ## is removed from the alert message when this is displayed in Infor Ming.le. This string is listed in the Filter drop-down in the Alert List widget configuration and can be used to filter alerts by category. If you use a parameter placeholder after ##, the value of the parameter is used as the category name. Comparison of category names is not case-sensitive.
You can specify a different message text for several languages. Click the translation button next to the input text box. Specify a new message for each language that must be supported. To use categories, you must specify a category name in each message, for each language, using the ## delimiter. When an alert happens, the Infor Ming.le users see the translation corresponding to the language that was set in the browser settings. If there is no translation text defined for the language selected, the message that is specified in the Message box is displayed. Additional language messages can be added.

See Adding translations.