Property definition

After clicking NEXT on the Object Information page the Property Definitions page is displayed.

These fields are displayed:

The name of the property to include in the object schema.
Data Type
The data type for the property. If the data type is object, a drill-down icon is displayed in this column. For BODs, Data Elements and Group Elements also show a drill-down icon in the data type column. Click this icon to view and edit child properties.
Does not apply to DSV objects.

Indicates which properties are required to exist in the data object.

Applies to BODS only.

Indicates which properties can be repeated throughout the data object.

Does not apply to BODs.

The order in which the properties should be displayed to the end user.

A single empty row in the data grid exists and is selected to define the first property. By default, String is the data type and the position value is 1.

You can add the property name, change the data type, or include additional constraints for each property.

  1. Select the row in the data grid. On the right panel, this list of fields is displayed.
    Change the name of the property. A property name is required.
    Does not apply to BODs.

    Specify a friendly name for your property.

    Specify a description of the property.
    Property Type
    Applies to BODs only.

    A drop-down list containing the different property types for BODs. Options are Group Element, Data Element, and Attribute.

    Group elements can contain other group elements, data elements, and attributes. Data elements can only contain attributes. Attributes cannot contain any children.

    Use this field to change the assigned position.

    Change the position value of the property. Any other property positions that are affected by this change are automatically adjusted.

    Alternatively, to reorder properties, click the drag icon in the first column of the data grid and drop the row to a new location in the list.
    Data Type
    A drop-down list containing valid data types for a property.

    For JSON and DSV, options are Array, Boolean, Date, Date Time, Integer, Number, Object, String, and Time.

    For BODs, options are Boolean, Date, Date Time, Decimal, Duration, Integer, String, and Time.

    Select the check box to mark the property as required.
    Select the check box to indicate that the property is repeatable.
    Value Restriction
    If the property should be defined as a constant, enumeration, or pattern, use the drop-down list to select one of these options:
    • None

      Default selection.

    • Constant

      Does not apply to BODs.

      A single value that the property must have in the data object.

    • Enumeration

      A list of unique values that are defined for the property. The value for this property in the data object must match one of the defined values exactly.

    • Pattern

      Applies to String properties only.

      A regular expression that the value in the data object must validate against.

    Visible only if Constant is selected as the Value Restriction.

    Specify the value that the property in the data object must have.

    Visible only if Enumeration is selected as the Value Restriction.

    Use the list builder to define the list of valid values for the property. Each item in the list must be unique.

    To add a value to the list:

    1. Click the Add icon.
    2. Click inside the row that is displayed, to specify a value.
    3. Repeat for as many values as required.

    To remove a value from this list:

    1. Select the value to remove.
    2. Click the Delete icon
    Visible only if Pattern is selected as the Value Restriction.
    Specify a regular expression that the value must validate against.

    If the selected Data Type is Array, these fields are displayed:

    Array Items Data Type
    A drop-down list that contains supported data types for Array properties. Options are Any, Integer, Number, Object, and String. Type Any does not restrict the values to be a specific data type; all are valid.
    If Object is selected as the Array Items Data Type, a drill-down icon is displayed in the data type column in the data grid. Click this icon to view and edit the array object’s properties.
    Minimum Items
    The minimum number of items that must be included in the array.
    Maximum Items
    The maximum number of items that can be included in the array.

    If the selected Data Type is Object, these fields are displayed:

    Minimum Properties
    The minimum number of properties that must be included in the object property.
    Maximum Properties
    The maximum number of properties that can be included in the object property.

    If the selected Data Type is Integer, Decimal, or Number, these fields are displayed:

    Digits Before Decimal
    Applies to Decimal values for BODs only.

    Specify the number of digits that are allowed before the decimal place in the value.

    Digits After Decimal
    Applies to Decimal values for BODs only.

    Specify the number of digits that are allowed after the decimal place in the value.

    Total Digits Allowed
    Applies to Integer values for BODs only.

    Specify the total number of digits allowed for the property value.

    Specify the lowest number that is allowed for the property value.

    If this value should be exclusive, select the Exclusive Minimum check box.

    Does not apply to BODs; all minimum values are defined as inclusive.

    Specify the highest number that is allowed for the property value.

    If this value should be exclusive, select the Exclusive Maximum check box.

    Does not apply to BODs; all maximum values are defined as inclusive.

    Multiple Of
    Does not apply to BODs.

    Specify a number that the property value in the data object must be a multiple of.

    Tip: This field can be used to specify the number of digits that are allowed after the decimal in the property value.

    For example, in these situations:

    • If two decimal values are allowed, specify 0.01 as the Multiple Of value.
    • If three decimal values are allowed, specify 0.001 as the Multiple Of value.

    Multiple Of value is the number of digits allowed in the data object property. The value for the number of digits following the decimal in the Multiple Of field must end in 1 for desired results.

    If the selected Data Type is String, these fields are displayed:

    Minimum Length
    Specify the minimum number of characters that the property value must have.
    Maximum Length
    Specify the maximum number of characters for the property value.
    Does not apply to BODs.

    The number of digits following the decimal in the drop-down list that contains the standard Formats for string properties. Use the drop-down to select the format the string value must validate against.

    If the selected Data Type is Date, Time, or Date Time, these fields are displayed:

    Does not apply to BODs.

    Select the format that the property value must have in the data object. The drop-down list contains supported datetime formats.

    This table shows the different available formats for a selection that is based on the selected data type for the property:

    Data Type Format Descriptions
    Date Time Standard Standard datetime format according to ISO 8601.

    Example: 2019-12-01T09:15:00Z

    American Standard American datetime format.

    Example: 12/1/2019 9:15:00 AM

    Epoch Milliseconds Epoch Milliseconds datetime format.

    Example: 1575191700000

    Three Character Month Datetime format using the three-character abbreviation for the month.

    Example: 01-DEC-2019 09:15:00

    Other Any other datetime format that is used by the property in the data object.
    Date Standard Standard date format according to ISO 8601.

    Example: 2019-12-01

    American Standard American date format.

    Example: 12/1/2019

    Basic Date Basic date format according to ISO8601 standards.

    Example: 20191201

    Other Any other date format that is used by the property in the data object.
    Time Standard Standard time format according to ISO 8601.

    Example: 09:15:00

    Other Any other time format that is used by the property in the data object.
    Custom format
    If Other is selected in the Format drop-down list, specify the custom format the property uses in the data object. This field is hidden if any other format is selected.
    For more information regarding datetime properties, see “Using datetime formats” in the Infor ION Development Guide.
  2. Click the Add icon to add another property to the schema.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all properties that are required for the schema are added to the data grid.
    To remove any properties from the list, select the row to remove and click the Delete icon.
  4. Click NEXT to proceed with the Additional Metadata page.