Advanced properties for polling

For Application Connection Points of type Infor Application and File Connection Points, this table shows the advanced properties related to the polling service:

Category Property Name Units Default Value Description
Polling Sleep Time of Polling Daemon Milliseconds 5000 The amount of time the polling daemon waits before polling again if no outbox records / files are found during a specified polled instance of time.
Polling Error Retry Number of Error Retries Number 20 For Infor Application connection point.

This represents the number of fresh retries the connector makes in succession to retrieve the records from outbox in case of an error. Within each fresh retry, the connector makes a series of attempts determined by the Delay number and the Delay change unit.

For File connection Point.

This represents the number of retries the connector makes in succession to read files from the configured 'Read Location' in case of an error.

Default Min. Retry Delay Milliseconds 10000 Default minimum retry delay in millisecond after error.
Default Max. Retry Delay Milliseconds 600000 Within every fresh retry, this is the default maximum retry delay in millisecond after an error. If the attempts due to Default retry delay number and Default retry delay Change unit exceed this value, a new retry attempt is started.
Default retry delay change unit Milliseconds 10000 Default retry delay increment time in millisecond after error. This parameter works together with 'Default retry delay number'.
Default retry delay number Number 10 Default retry delay number after error within a specified Retry attempt; see "Number of Error Retries". Every successive attempt is delayed cumulatively by the parameter 'Default retry delay change unit'.

This table shows the available additional properties for application connection points of type Infor Application: