Creating conditions
- On the Conditions tab, click Add to display the Condition Builder window.
Specify this information:
- Name
- Specify the name of the condition. For example, LateShipment, or TargetDeliveryDateExpired.
- Condition Type
- Specify the condition type.
- The condition types you can select depend on the attributes selected for the monitor.
Fill in the remaining fields.
The pop-up dialog is dynamic: the displayed fields depend on the selected condition type. For example:
- For a condition of the Attribute-Value Comparison type, you must fill in these fields: Attribute, Operator, and Value.
- For a condition of the DateTime Check type, you must fill in these fields: Time Offset, Operator, and Attribute.
For details on the condition types and the information you must specify, see Monitor rule - condition only.
If the condition type is Combined, you must combine existing conditions using AND or OR.
- Click OK. The condition is displayed in the Conditions tab.