Building the workflow model

Use the Toolbox to add elements to the workflow model on the canvas. For each workflow element, specify its details in the corresponding properties pane. You can add these elements to the workflow model:

Category in Workflow Modeler Toolbox Element
  • Task
  • Task Chain
  • Notification
  • Set Parameter
  • Decision Table
  • API
  • Wait
  • Start Workflow
  • Decision
  • Loop Back
  • Parallel
  • Subprocess

For each element to add:

  1. Select the element in the Toolbox and drag it towards the canvas. The possible drop locations are highlighted if you move the mouse pointer over the canvas. Drop the element at the desired location on the canvas.
    You can drag elements into a subprocess. If the subprocess is collapsed, click the Plus sign to expand it.
  2. Specify the details for the element in the corresponding properties pane.

After you add a Loop Back element, you must add one or more elements between the start and end of the loop.

After you add a Decision or Parallel flow element, you must add one or more elements to each of its branches.

Example 1: Workflow with Decision and Parallel Flow elements

For example, you add a Set Parameter element and a Decision element to an empty workflow. Then you add a task element and a notification element to the Yes branch. Then you add a Parallel element to the No branch of the Decision element. Finally you add task elements to the branches of the Parallel element. This diagram shows the resulting workflow model in the Workflow Modeler.

Resulting workflow model in Workflow Modeler diagram

Example 2: Workflow with Loopback element

If the review outcome indicates rework must be performed on the plan, then the workflow recycles. If the plan was OK then the workflow proceeds to the Execute activity. In this example the loop contains a sequence of tasks, but a loop back can include decisions, parallel flows or other loop backs. This diagram shows an example of a loop back in a workflow.

Loopback in workflow diagram

See these sections:

Note: When saving the workflow definition, warning or error messages are displayed in these situations:
  • Elements are created that are not used in a flow.
  • There are incomplete details for flow elements.

Solve the modeling errors before activating a workflow. Only valid workflows can be activated.