Specifying workflow parameters

  1. In the left pane, click the Show Workflow Properties link to display the Workflow Properties pane. Alternatively, you can open the Workflow Properties pane by clicking the Start or End node of the flow. In the Workflow Properties pane, select the Parameters tab and click Add to start the Workflow Parameter window.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the parameter.
    Specify the data type, such as String or Boolean.
    Code Name
    This field is only displayed for parameters of the Code type. Specify the code list to use for the parameter. Codes are created in ION Desk.

    See Codes.

    This field is only displayed for parameters of the User type. Specify the distribution group to use for the parameter. Distribution Groups are created in IFS. It is expected that only the person ids of IFS users that belong to the selected distribution group are assigned to the User parameter. By clicking the + (plus) sign a search on distribution groups is provided.
    If this check box is selected and a workflow instance is started. The initial parameter value is sent by the activation policy, or with the ProcessWorkflow BOD.
    Use Initial Value if Null
    If this check box is selected and an activation policy is used. The initial value is used if the required value is not available in the business object document that starts the workflow.
    This setting is only used for activation policies. It is not relevant for workflows that are started using the ProcessWorkflow BOD.
    This check box is only visible if Input is selected.
    If this check box is selected, the parameter is sent back in an AcknowledgeWorkflow BOD when a workflow instance is completed.
    Note: If the Input and Output check boxes are cleared, the parameter is only used locally within the workflow definition.
    Initial value
    This field is enabled if you clear the Input check box or if you select Use initial Value if Null. Specify the initial value for the parameter. For the User and DistributionGroup types a search option is available.
  3. Click OK. The new parameters are displayed in the Workflow Parameters pane.
Note: You can change the data type of a workflow parameter in these situations:
  • The parameter is not yet used in a workflow step.
  • The parameter is used only for display purposes in tasks, notifications, and task chain steps.

    Parameters are used for display purposes if they are included as a placeholder in the message or added to the step contents.