ProcessWorkflow message patterns

If the ProcessWorkflow BOD is received and the request can be completed, the ION Workflow engine sends an AcknowledgeWorkflow message with actionCode="Accepted" and status/code="Initial" to the application that sent the ProcessWorkflow message.

If the request cannot be completed, the ION Workflow engine sends a ConfirmBOD and an AcknowledgeWorkflow message with actionCode="Rejected" and status/code="Failed". The error message is displayed in the status/description.

When the workflow is complete, a final AcknowledgeWorkflow message is sent with actionCode="Modified" and status/code="Completed."

If an error is encountered during the completion of the workflow, an AcknowledgeWorkflow message is sent with actionCode="Modified" and status/code="Failed." The reason for the failure is displayed in the status/description.

If a workflow instance is canceled, an AcknowledgeWorkflow message is sent with actionCode="Modified" and status/code="Canceled".

If an Acknowledge.Workflow BOD could not be delivered, a ConfirmBOD is generated containing this Acknowledge BOD, so it can be resubmitted later.

This table shows the message patterns of the ProcessWorkflow and AcknowledgeWorkflow messages. For details about the elements of the Workflow noun, see the Infor ION Development Guide .

Desired action Sent ProcessWorkflow Received AcknowledgeWorkflow Workflow action
Start a new workflow instance actionCode="Add", WorkflowDefinitionCode, All parameters defined as "input" ; all structures actionCode="Accepted", Status/Code=Initial, DocumentID/ID, WorkflowDefinitionCode A new workflow instance was started.
actionCode="Rejected", Status/Code="Failed", Status/Reason A workflow definition with this name is not Active or workflow parameters or structures do not match.
actionCode="Modified", Status/Code="Completed", DocumentID/ID, , WorkflowDefinitionCode

All parameters defined as "output"

Workflow is completed successfully.
actionCode="Modified", Status/Code="Failed", Status/Reason, DocumentID/ID, WorkflowDefinitionCode Workflow was partially run, but execution failed before the End step was reached.
actionCode="Modified", Status/Code="Cancelled", Status/Reason, DocumentID/ID, WorkflowDefinitionCode The workflow instance was canceled.
Cancel a running workflow instance actionCode="Change", Status/Code="Cancelled", WorkflowDefinitionCode, DocumentID/ID actionCode="Accepted", Status/Code=Cancelled, DocumentID/ID, WorkflowDefinitionCode The workflow instance was canceled by the ProcessWorkflow BOD.
Note: If the workflow is canceled through ION Desk, the confirming BOD is not created.
actionCode="Rejected", Status/Code=Failed, Status/Reason The Cancel Workflow request was refused. The reason for refusal is placed in the Status/Reason.