Creating indexes
- The index is created in the OneViewApi Grid Node:
- Right after the startup of the node (after necessary components are loaded), OneView starts the index creation procedure.
- If indexes (Event, Message, Statistics) do not exist, the create index routine creates
the indexes and the attributes as defined in
The routine iterates through the list of all attributes and assigns the correct type and name.
- This situation (including logs) is described in the „Migration Documentation – Happy Path“
- If indexes already exist, the create index routine does not override or re-create the
indexes. The following is
Creating ElasticSearch index event, with number of shards 5 and replicas 1
Index event already exist, {"root_cause":[{"type":"index_already_exists_exception","reason": "index [event/ALvSAP3JSXmG2F7y1tIIJQ] already exists","index_uuid":"ALvSAP3JSXmG2F7y1tIIJQ","index":"event"}]," type":"index_already_exists_exception","reason":"index [event/ALvSAP3JSXmG2F7y1tIIJQ] already exists","index_uuid":"ALvSAP3JSXmG2F7y1tIIJQ","index":"event"}
ElasticSearch index event created
- Index validation is performed in the OneViewEvent node:
- Check that all indexes and attributes are correctly created.
- All attributes are iterated and validate that the names and types are correct.