Home Realm Discovery settings

Home Realm Discovery (HDR) is a feature in Infor STS where the end user can choose the authentication provider to authenticate against from the available list of identity providers configured with Infor STS. The user is then directed to the relevant identity provider to authenticate, based on the selection.

A default rule is added during Infor STS installation. To add actions to your rule, click the Name field to open a popup with this information:

  • Name: You may change this to any human-readable name for your rule.
  • Evaluation Criteria: This is automatically set to default and cannot be edited.
  • Actions: Listed under actions are all of the available IdP connections to which you can assign this rule. Select the corresponding check boxes to assign the rule to the current IdP connection. When you change these rules, you are changing the action for authentication.
Note: You cannot delete the authentication adapter rule.