Version conflicts

Version conflicts occur when more than one thread disrupts a single Elastic Search object. These errors can be overlooked. The operation is repeated, and the ES object is not corrupted.
2019-02-12 09:57:13,573 +0000Z {} ERROR OneViewEventModule 
com.infor.ion.oneview.engine.queue.runtimeconfig.MapperVersionCache: Exception in mapping cache 
com.infor.ion.oneview.engine.common.exception.OneViewException: ERROR 477 - Error in ES bulk atomic 
upload : [One or more of the items in the Bulk request failed, check BulkResult.getItems() for more 
5e14-37d6-ae90-cacc34f7a003]: version conflict, current version [264115] is different than the one provided 
[264114]","index_uuid":"2Vor0XANQQ2brsHQvZwnIA","shard":"9","index":"event"} ] at