Renewing OAuth keys in maintenance mode

This task must be done on the primary node of Infor LTR. OAuth keys can be renewed by running the Infor LTR Installer in maintenance mode.

To renew OAuth keys in maintenance mode:

  1. Start the installer through the command prompt with this parameter: v”RENEWGRIDOAUTHKEYS=TRUE”
  2. Select the Modify option and click Next.
  3. On the Choose Destination screen click Next.
  4. On the Farm Database Configuration screen enter the database password and click Next.
  5. Click Install.
  6. To verify that the OAuth key has been renewed:
    1. Access the Grid by going to <InstallDir>/InforTechstackGrid/bin/ folder and selecting AdminUI.cmd.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. Click the OAuth Credentials tab.
    4. Check to see that the created value has been updated.