Download federated metadata

During the configuration of the identity provider or service provider trust, both parties require configuration that includes both end-points for communication and public keys for signature verification. Infor STS allows you to download this federation metadata from its administration user interface.

To navigate to the Download Federated Metadata page, click the Settings tab under your tenant name drop-down menu, and then click the Download Federated Metadata header button.

Use the Download Federated Metadata page to download different metadata XML files. Available for download are:

  • SAML/WS-Fed IdP Metadata XML
  • WS-Fed IdP Metadata XML – This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of identity provider for WS-Fed applications.
  • SAML IdP Metadata XML - This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of identity provider for SAML applications.
  • SAML SP Metadata XML - This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of service provider for SAML applications.

To download, click the link under the selected metadata, which is then downloaded as an XML file to your computer.