Creating a signing certificate

Use the Signing Certificate tab to manage your signing certificates.

  1. Click the Signing Certificate tab within the Settings tab under your tenant name drop-down menu.
  2. To create a signing certificate, use one of these methods:
    • Add a default certificate by clicking Add.
    • Import a file (.pfx, .p12, .jks) by clicking Import from file.
  3. When adding a new certificate, you are required to configure the certificate before it can be used. Specify this information:
    Certificate Name
    By default, this field is populated with sts-signing. You may change this to any human-readable name for your certificate.
    Valid for days
    By default, this is set to 730 days. You may change this to a value of your choice.
    Key Details – RSA
    This field is populated during installation and cannot be edited.
    Signature Algorithm - SHA256withRSA
    This field is populated during installation and cannot be edited.