Configuration errors
Error Code | Error Description |
FAIL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred that was not caught in the code. This type of error is non-specific and must be tracked down in the log file and diagnosed according to its surrounding logs. |
FAIL_ACCESS_DENIED | The calling client does not have the correct permissions to the requested endpoint. |
A parameter that was expected was not present in the request payload. |
FAIL_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE | The value supplied for the given field is in an invalid format, for example, giving a sequence of letters instead of an integer. |
FAIL_INITIALIZE_CACHE | Caching system failed for the specific request, and a response may have been returned with a delay. |
FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_DATATYPE | The data type supplied in an element’s configuration is not supported by Elasticsearch. |
FAIL_UNSUCCESSFUL_OPERATION | Elastic Search call failure due to a bad payload or non-existent objects. |
FAIL_CLIENT_IO | Elastic Search IO Failure. |
Create/Update Elasticsearch Alias Failure. |
AS_INVALID_APPLICATION_EXISTS | An application with the given name already exists for the tenant. Applications cannot have identical names. |
AS_INVALID_TENANT_APPLICATION_DELETE | The tenant cannot be deleted until all of its applications have been deleted first. |
AS_INVALID_OPERATION | The analysis field within the indexSettings field during the creation or breaking-change-update of a repository is not of standard JSON format. |
AS_INVALID_VALUE | The threshold field within the indexSettings field must have a value that is LOW, MED, or HIGH. |
AS_INVALID_TENANT_ALREADY_ACTIVE | The tenant to be activated is already in an active state. |
AS_INVALID_SPOTLIGHTCONFIGURATION | The spotlightConfiguration field in the new or updated repository definition has an invalid JSON construction. |
AS_NOSUCH_REPOSITORY | The given repository name does not exist for a tenant application. |
AS_NOSUCH_TENANT_APPLICATION | The provided logical ID for a given tenant application does not exist in the database. |
AS_NOSUCH_INDEX | This is a critical error that should never happen. The Elasticsearch index cannot be found. |
AS_NOSUCH_DESTINATION_INDEX | A critical error occurs during the process of re-indexing the data from one Elasticsearch index to another. If the destination index is not found, this error occurs. |
AS_FAIL_DEFINITION_ZIP_READ | Failure occurred during the addition of default repositories for a given application. The file where an application’s default repositories are stored was not read successfully. This most likely happens during an update tenant request or a new application request. |
AS_FAIL_ADD_DEFINITION | Failure occurred while parsing an application's definition to create its inner repositories and interest centers, if any. |
AS_FILE_PROCESS_ERROR | An error occurred while reading from the file, which defines the tenant’s default applications. This most likely happens during the update of a tenant, but generally should not happen. See the previous error for further details. |
AS_NOSUCH_VERSION | A version of a given repository was not found in the database. This is a critical error that should not happen. |
AS_FAIL_REGISTRY_READ | An error may occur during the update of a tenant when its inner applications are attempting to be created or updated. The registry service that contains the definitions to certain applications has failed. This is a critical error that should not happen. See previous errors for further details. |
AS_INDEXMGMT_UNEXPECTED_ERROR | A failure happens while reading from Elasticsearch. This happens during a re-indexing procedure. This is a critical error that should not occur. |
Each user belonging to the tenant should have a valid authorization token to pass to the server in order to validate itself. If such a token is missing, then this error occurs. This should never happen for legitimate users. |
AS_FAIL_SHARD_CONFIGURATION | This is a critical error that should not occur but may occur during the resizing of an Elasticsearch cluster. |