Creating an attribute

Use this procedure to create an attribute.

  1. Expand Data Modeling in the navigation pane. Right click Attributes and select New to open the New Attribute page.
  2. Enter the Name and Display Name. The Name that you entered is an internal name that uniquely identifies an element in the library server and does not display in the client applications. The Display name field allows for longer values, spaces, and other characters. This name is displayed in the client applications.
  3. Click the Translate button to translate the Display name to a preferred language.
  4. Select the Attribute Type. The Attribute Type may be a character, variable, string etc. For more information on specifying the Attribute Type refer IBM DB2 Content Manager Help provided in the application itself.
  5. Select the additional restrictions depending on the chosen Attribute Type. Click OK.
  6. Click the Apply to save the information without closing the page/window.