Configuring Event Hub Subscription

Infor Document Management can act as a subscriber to Events coming from Event Hub. Depending on the Event type, IDM will find a specific document and update it with the changed information in the Event. Only update is supported. If there are multiple documents found based on the keys in the Event, they will be updated as well.

The Event Hub is configured in Infor Document Management Server with Grid properties.

  1. To configure the Event Hub, enter the configuration view of the Infor Document Management application in the Grid Management pages.
  2. Click Edit Properties.
  3. Under Application Defined Properties > Event Hub, find theServer property and click the Value cell.
  4. In the Edit Property dialog box, type the server_name/IP:port to Event Hub, for example,
  5. Click Create Property.
  6. Find the Subscriptions property and click the Value cell.
    All queued events for the IDM subscriber in Event Hub will be purged when you change the Subscriptions property.
  7. In the Edit Property dialog box, type subscription entries separated with semicolon.

    A subscription entry should contain details about the Event Hub subscription, a document type name, and key fields (any number) separated by a comma. The following shows the format for writing a subscription entry:


    For example, M3:MITMAS:U,ADCSupInv,M3_CONO=ITNO:ADC_TotalAmount=ITNO,DIM2:{DIVI}Acl;

    The above example will evaluate to the following search query: /ADCSupInv[@M3_CONO="<theIncomingValueOf_ITNO>"]. The Documents matching the query will be updated with the attribute 'ADC_TotalAmount' is set to the incoming new value of the source key ITNO and the attribute M3_DIM2 will be updated to the incoming new value of the source key DIM2 The document will be given the ACL '<theIncomingValueOf_DIVI>Acl' if it is supported by the document type.

    You can follow the guide below to aid in constructing a subscription entry:

    • Event Hub Publisher: Available event hub publishers can be found in your Event Hub installation.
    • Database Table: Depending on the selected event hub publisher, there are different database tables available for use. For example, if the event hub publisher is "M3", any table in M3 would be a valid database table.
    • Event Hub Operations: Event Hub Operations are typically CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations, but more are available. The order of the letters in this string is not important. For more information, see the Infor ION Grid ExtensionsInstallation and Administration Guide.
    • IDM Document Type: The Infor Document Management document type identifier can be found in your IDM installation.
    • Search Key Maps: This is a list of key mappings that are required to find the correct document to update in Infor Document Management. A search_key_map has the following format: idm_key=source_key, where the source_key is a key from the publishing system and idm_key is an attribute in IDM. You can include as many key maps as you need, the order of the keys is not important.
      Note: If the idm_key is left out of a map, it will default to M3_<source_key>.
    • Update Key Maps: Optional. It has the following format: idm_key=source_key. If it’s left out, all attributes matching the format M3_<source_key> will be updated.If provided, only the mapped attributes will be updated in IDM and the mappings will determine which IDM attributes are updated with which event source value.
    • Access Control List Map: Optional. It is a map used to set the access control list (ACL) on the updated items. To use the Access Control List Map, you also have to specify the Update Key Maps. If left empty, it will not be used. Configure the Access Control List Map by setting '{source_key}', more complex with source key combined with text '{source_key}someText{source_key}', or a predefined ACL like 'myOwnACL'.

      For example, the Access Control List Map '{DIVI}ACL' will set the ACL on the documents to ‘<theIncomingValueOf_DIVI>ACL’ if its supported by the document type.

    • Semi-colon (;): Separates the subscription entries. After the semi-colon you can start anew subscription if you need more than one. You can have as many subscription entries as you require.
  8. Click Create Property.
  9. Provide values for these properties:
    • Username: Enter a username with 'search', 'update', and 'check in' access in the database. This user will be used to update the items that will be updated from the Event Hub. This user will also check in other users checked out items if the items are checked out and gets updated from the Event Hub.

      It is recommended to have a special user for this. Then it will be visible inthe client from where the item is updated.

    • Password: The password for the user. Is not required and should not be set if its not absolutely necessary.
  10. The following properties are optional and can be left as undefined:
    • Language: The language code for the language to be used when creating a connection where no language has been provided.
    • Option: Sets additional options for the connection. Only supported by some contentrepositories and implementation is content repository specific.
  11. To save all the property configurations for Event Hub, click the Save button beside the Navigation.
  12. The Save Configuration Changes dialog shows a summary of the changes. Click Save to finalize all changes.
You do not have to restart the IDM Server, the value in the properties will take effect as soon as yousave them in Grid.

You can test your new subscriber by simply making a change to the system that will normally triggeran event in the Event Hub. For more information, see the Infor ION Grid Extensions Installation and Administration Guide.