Defining a MIME Type

Define the MIME type to tell your application how to handle an object retrieved from the resource manager.

  1. Expand Data Modeling in the navigation pane.
  2. Right click MIME Types and select New to open the New MIME Type page.
  3. Enter the Name and Display name. The Name that you entered is an internal name that uniquely identifies an element in the library server and does not display in client applications. The Display name field allows for longer values, spaces and other characters. This name is displayed in the client applications.
  4. Click Translate to translate the Display name to a preferred language.
  5. Enter the MIME type. For example, image/jpeg. Refer for more information about MIME types.
  6. Enter the Suffixes for the MIME type. A suffix is a file extension for example jpeg and is used in the client application when downloading or exporting the files from the IBM DB2 Content Manager.
  7. Specify the function for the Valid function field that might be performed on the MIME type. For example, you might enable a .doc MIME type to be text searchable.
  8. Enter an alternate application and path or relative path in the Application name field that a client might use to view a particular MIME type. Click the Browse button to select an application name from the file system.
  9. Define options for running the application in the Application flags field. Click OK.