Import and Setup
Complete these steps:
Import Workflows.
- Workflow > Workflows > Import
- IDM_Approve_Workflow.xmlNote: The Approval workflow requires an ACL with name Private to be defined. If it is not, update the ACL name for approved documents to a suitable value (Workflow > Workflows > IDM_Approve > Decision table "Update ACL" > value under "Parameters To Be Set" - ACL).
Set up distribution lists for workflows.
- Workflows > IDM_Approve workflows
- Ming.le notification entity > Distribution > Add
- Approve entity > Approval Matrix > Add
- Workflows > IDM_Approve workflows
Import activation policies.
- Workflow > Activation Policies > Import
- IDM_Approve_ActivationPolicy.xml
Import the Document Flow.
- Connect > Document Flows > Import
- IDM_DocumentFlow.xml
- Verify that Connection Point is correctly paired with the Document Flow.
- Document Flows > IDM_DocumentFlow > IDM IObox entity (Application column:1)