Changing the AD FS identity provider used by Infor LTR

This process is for configuring a new AD FS Identity Provider to be used by Infor LTR.

  1. Obtain the Federation Metadata XML from your new AD FS farm:
    https://{AD FS Farm}/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
  2. Log in to Infor LTR Manager.
  3. Navigate to Identity Providers.
  4. Click the add (+) button.
  5. Provide these details:
    Select the AD FS version that matches your new AD FS farm.
    Provider Name
    Provide a short description of your AD FS farm.
    Import SAML Metadata
    Import from file.
  6. Click the browse button (...) and select the metadata XML file obtained in step 1.
  7. Click Load.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Navigate to the Infor LTR (FARM NAME) on the Infor LTR Manager menu.
  10. Change the identity provider to the newly created one.
  11. Click Save. You are prompted to restart Infor LTR Manager.
  12. Log in to Manager again.
  13. Navigate to the Infor LTR (FARM NAME) on the Infor LTR Manager menu.
  14. Select Redeploy Core SAML.
  15. Provide this information:
    Identity Provider
    Specify the new provider created in the previous steps.
    ADFS Certificate
    Select the ADFS .CER certificate.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Navigate to Identity Providers.
  18. Download the PowerShell script associated with your newly created provider.
  19. Navigate to Applications.
  20. Download the PowerShell scripts associated with Grid-XiPlatform-<n>, INFORSTS, and XIPORTAL by selecting the latest IDP.
  21. Run the downloaded scripts on your AD FS farm.
  22. Perform an IIS reset.