Search errors

Error code Error description
SS_MISSING_TENANTID This is a critical error that should not occur. The tenant name is missing from the search request payload, which should be identified by the tenantId field.
SS_MISSING_SEARCHTERM This is a critical error that should not occur. The search term to search is missing from the search request payload that should be identified by the terms field.
SS_MISSING_SEARCHTARGET This is a critical error that should not occur. The specific repositories to search for the search request are missing. This should be identified by the searchTargets field in the request payload.
SS_MISSING_LOGICALID_IN_SEARCHTARGET An application that is within the domain of searchable applications has a missing logical ID.
SS_MISSING_QUERYBODY_IN_SEARCHTARGET An application that is within the domain of searchable applications has a missing query. This is an error that occurs during the validation of applications during a private search.
SS_MISSING_APPLICATION_LOGICALID_IN_SEARCHTARGET The application logicalId field is missing from the search request payload.
SS_MISSING_USERIDENTIFIER Each user belonging to the tenant has a unique user identifier identified by the userIdentifier field. A user’s identifier is always extracted to be included in each search. This error should not occur if the user is a legitimate user identifier.
SS_MISSING_BEARERTOKEN This is an error that should not occur for a legitimate user. The bearer token, which is a security token, should always be included in the search payload.
SS_MISSING_REPOSITORYTARGET The repositoryTargets field is missing from the search request payload.
SS_MISSING_LOGICALID_IN_REPOSITORYTARGET An application logicalId field is missing from one of the search targets in the given request payload.
SS_INVALID_EMPTY_REPOSITORYTARGET An application in the search request payload has no inner repositories specified.
SS_INVALID_PARAMETER_FROM The from field in one of the applications in the search request payload is invalid because the value is less than 0.
SS_INVALID_PARAMETER_SIZE The size field in one of the applications in the search request payload is invalid because the value is less than 0.
SS_INVALID_VERSION The version field in the search request payload has an invalid number. As of now, only 1 and 2 are supported.
SS_INVALID_EMPTY_TARGET No repositories are specified for an application within the search request payload.
SS_NOSUCH_TENANT_MODEL This is a critical error during search. A tenant model must be built to encompass the characteristics of each search request. If the tenant model fails to be created, then a search cannot take place because the domain in which a user is allowed to search is unknown.
SS_NOSUCH_APPLICATION_MODEL This is a critical error during search. The application model makes up a part of the tenant model (see the previous error), and without it MES does not know which applications the user is allowed to search within. The application model failed to be built.
SS_NOSUCH_APPLICATION No application exists with the given application logical ID for the search request payload.
SS_NOSUCH_REPOSITORY No repository exists with the given repository name for the search request payload.
SS_FAIL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR This is a generic error that takes place during search. This error can indicate various issues. Navigate to the search service log file and inspect the logs surrounding where the error occurred.
SS_FAIL_SEARCH_RESULT An API call to Elasticsearch during search was not successful. This is an internal server error that should not happen.
SS_FAIL_GENERAL This is a generic error that takes place during search. This error can indicate various issues. Navigate to the search service log file and inspect the logs surrounding where the error occurred.