RPA flow to verify file location

Create a flow to verify a file location.

Creating a flow

  1. Log on to the RPA Studio application. The home page is displayed.
  2. Click New Project. The New Project screen is displayed.
  3. Specify the basic information related to the new project.
  4. Click Create. The canvas to design the workflow is displayed with the Project menu open by default.
  5. Click Create. The canvas to design the workflow is displayed with the Project menu open by default.
  6. Click Activities to open the Activities panel.
  7. Add the Path Exists (System > Path Exists) activity in the Sequence window.
  8. Specify this information in the Properties panel:
    The path to validate. For example, C:\RPA\rpa.txt. You can also create a variable for this property of type String and specify a default value of a file or directory path.
    Is Valid
    Confirmation on the existence of the document or file. Create a variable of Boolean type. For example, if exists.
  9. Add the IF (Workflow > If) activity in the Sequence window.
  10. Add ifexists variable in the Condition field. The value is displayed as TRUE, if the document exists.
  11. Leave the Then field blank.
  12. Specify the action required in the Else field. For example, if the value of Ifexists is False (the file does not exist), create a file by adding create file in the Else field of the If activity and specify this information in the Properties panel:
    Target Filename
    The name of the file with an extension. For example, “rpa.txt”. You can also create a variable of String type with a default value.
    Target Filepath
    The directory file path. For example, “C:// RPA”. You can also create a variable of String type with a default value.
    Output File
    The variable of String type. The variable stores the entire path of the file. For example. C:\RPA\rpa.txt