Working with devices

Use the Devices page to create or modify a device. You can also create a device when configuring the unattended mode of execution. See, Infor Robotic Process Automation Installation Guide.

  1. Navigate to Infor OS > RPA Management > Manage > Devices on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Add Device.
    Note: Alternately, click the Edit option corresponding to a domain name to edit an existing device.
  3. Specify this information:
    FQDN or Full Computer Name
    The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the computer to which you want to add the device. This name can be obtained from System Properties section of This PC.
    Display Name
    The name of the device or the IP address of the device.
    The description for the device.
    The scope for the device. Possible values:
    • Public
    • Private
  4. Click Add.
    Note: The application validates the specified information and displays an error message for any discrepancy.