User Management

User Management is accessed through the User Management menu option on the profile panel. This option is available to the user who has one of these security roles:

  • IFSApplicationAdmin
  • DataAdministrator
  • UserAdmin
  • Infor-SystemAdministrator

To access User Management:

  1. Click the profile icon to access the profile panel.
  2. Click User Management.

The User Management application provides the capability for Infor applications to manage users. The users for the Infor applications are first created within User Management. The user information is then replicated across the different Infor applications.

The User Management application has the concepts of users, security roles, distribution groups, accounting entities, and locations.

User Management has these menu options:

  • Manage
  • Configure
  • Security Administration
  • Metadata

User Management has options for these identities:

  • Infor Ming.le identities

    These are identities that are specific to Infor Ming.le and are managed and stored within the Infor Ming.le system.

  • Federated identities

    These are identities that are linked across multiple identity management systems, for example: your users' Windows Active Directory identity can be used to access Infor Ming.le.

When you first access User Management, you have the choice to use a federated authentication method. If you want to enable a federated authentication method, start with the Security Administration > Federated Security menu option. If you choose not to use a federated authentication method at this time, some options described in this document do not apply.

This table describes the functionality of each menu option.

Menu option Use this menu to:
Manage > Users View and manage users including:
  • Adding users
  • Deleting users
  • Importing and exporting users
  • Assigning/Un-assigning:
    • Security roles
    • Accounting entities
    • Locations
    • Distribution groups
    • Custom properties
    • ERP Person IDs
    • Client access (access can be revoked)
  • Resetting passwords
  • Viewing user activity
  • Exporting all users
  • Activating users (this option is displayed only when Create Users in Draft Status is enabled)
  • Searching users by using Simple or Advanced Search
Manage > Client AccessView and manage clients that users have used to access Infor Ming.le:
  • Revoking client access
  • Searching for clients
Manage > Service AccountsView and manage accounts that have been created to allow applications a resource owner grant to contact the Infor Authorization Service to obtain a token for use in making API requests.
Manage > SCIM AccountsView and manage accounts that have been created to access Infor Ming.le SCIM services.
Manage > ERP Person IDs View and manage the ERP person IDs that have been added to your users.
Manage > Contacts View and manage contacts including:
  • Adding contacts
  • Deleting contacts
  • Assigning contacts to contact groups
Manage > Contact Groups View and manage contact groups including:
  • Adding contact groups
  • Importing and exporting contact groups
  • Deleting contact groups
  • Assigning contacts to contact groups
Manage > Groups View and manage groups including:
  • Adding groups
  • Importing and exporting groups
  • Deleting groups
  • Assigning users to groups
Configure > Master Data Types > Security Roles View and configure security roles including:
  • Adding security roles
  • Importing and exporting security roles
  • Deleting security roles
  • Assigning users to security roles
  • Assigning documents to security roles
Configure > Master Data Types > Accounting EntitiesView and configure accounting entities including:
  • Assigning users to accounting entities
Configure > Master Data Types > LocationsView and configure locations including:
  • Assigning users to locations
Configure > Document Authorizations View and configure document authorizations including assigning security roles to documents.
Security Administration > Federated Security View and configure federated security settings including federated single sign-on using SAML.
Security Administration > Service Provider View and configure service provider settings if your tenant has been configured with service provider options.
Security Administration > Domain Security View and configure an Allowed or Blocked domain list.
Security Administration > Authentication URL Options View and configure the authentication mode and view URLs that allow you to access your system with different authentication methods.
Security Administration > ION Person ID View and configure the default setting for ION Person ID.
Security Administration > Session Configuration Time-out: View and configure the default idle session time-out.

Concurrent Sessions: Configure the number of concurrent sessions allowed.

Security Administration > Settings > General Settings View and configure other general settings:
  • Trusted Domains
  • Change Icon
  • Email Settings
  • System Use Notification Settings
  • Manage Features
    1. Enable SCIM Service
    2. Enable IFS Audit
  • Account creation status

    Create users in draft status.

  • Application specific settings

    Do not auto-generate a user alias while creating users.

Security Administration > Settings > Infor Ming.le Identities Configuration: View and configure users who can log in using Infor Ming.le Identities.

Password Management: View and configure password strength and complexity requirements for Infor Ming.le Identities.

Security Administration > Settings > Home Realm Customization When using the IFSHomeRealmCustomization feature flag, enterprise tenants can customize the login page. No translations are available.


  • Change icon: You can upload an image, 5MB limit; JPG/JPEG or PNG files are the only image types accepted
  • Default Icon
  • Cloud Identity Name: text box
  • Message: text box, 550-character limit; field not mandatory
  • Link: text box; field not mandatory

The fields revert to no information when the Link and Message fields are left empty.

Metadata > User PropertiesView and configure options for user properties.
Auditing and Monitoring Access Audit Event Search and Monitoring Search.