Deploying the JMS Vendor

After the preparation is complete, you can deploy the JMS vendor in ION Enterprise connector.

To deploy a specific JMS driver in ION Enterprise connector:

  1. Ensure that the custom jar is placed into the JMSClientBundleWrapper\OriginalJar folder.
  2. Ensure that the file is properly implemented and placed into this folder:
  3. Ensure that the properties.txt file reflects the vendor specifics and is placed in this folder:
  4. Run the build.bat script. These results are possible:
    • The BUILD SUCCESSFUL message is displayed. A zip file is created (OSGi bundle) in this folder: /JMSClientBundleWrapper. This file is required to start up the bundle.
    • The execution of build.bat fails because of insufficient write privileges or because of lack of correct jar files. A relevant detail error message is displayed. Take corrective action based on the error and retry.
  5. Log on to management UI of the Enterprise Connector.
  6. Select Applications. The list of applications is displayed in the Applications tab.
  7. Click the Management Pages from the ION Enterprise Connector application.
  8. On the page that opens click JMS Client Drivers.
    The JMS client driver dialog box is displayed.
  9. Click Import JMS Driver wrapper.
  10. Select Drivers and click Import.
    If this is a replacement of an already active driver, then the ION service must restart. Click Yes and wait for a few minutes until the ION service is running again.

    If the upload is successful, a message that the file is uploaded is displayed. The entry is displayed in the list of Custom JMS Client Libraries.

    Now you can model your Message queue connection point as a client using the new JMS client registered