Stored Procedures
To fill the tables with test data you can use the stored procedure generateorders
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generateorders(numberoforders integer, startnumber integer)
DECLARE counter INT ;
numberOfLines INT ;
orderPK VARCHAR(20);
numberOfLines = 2;
for counter in startNumber .. (startNumber + numberOfOrders) LOOP
orderPK = 'SAL_' || counter;
when numberOfLines = 0 then
INSERT INTO Orders (orderNumber, orderStatus, orderDateTime, customer, lastModification)
VALUES (orderPK, 'Open', now(), 'Johnson', now());
when numberOfLines = 1 then
INSERT INTO Orders (orderNumber, orderStatus, orderDateTime, customer, lastModification)
VALUES (orderPK, 'Open', now(), 'Jones', now());
INSERT INTO OrderLines (orderNumber, lineNumber, item, quantity, price)
VALUES (orderPK, 1, 'Laptop', 1, 600.00);
when numberOfLines = 2 then
INSERT INTO Orders (orderNumber, orderStatus, orderDateTime, customer, lastModification)
VALUES (orderPK, 'Open', now(), 'Smith', now());
INSERT INTO OrderLines (orderNumber, lineNumber, item, quantity, price)
VALUES (orderPK, 1, 'Desk', 1, 150.00);
INSERT INTO OrderLines (orderNumber, lineNumber, item, quantity, price)
VALUES (orderPK, 2, 'Chair', 4, 25.00);
end case;
end loop;
perform setval('g_orders_id', counter);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
To read data in XML format from the Orders and orderliness table, use the getallorders stored procedure:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getallorders(t_age interval)
declare ids text[];
select into ids array(select ordernumber from orders where now() - lastmodification < t_age);
return getorders(ids);
To use the XML data from an incoming BOD as input and to write to the database, use the stored procedure processbod. This procedure creates a new Order if it does not exist. If the Order exists, the procedure will update the order.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION processbod(xmlcontent xml)
orders xml[];
order_xml xml;
tempVal text;
-- variables for the order header
id text;
orderStatus_ varchar (20);
orderDatetimeStr text;
orderDatetime_ timestamp;
customer_ varchar (20);
processedIds text[];
-- orderLine
lineIds text[];
lineId text;
item_ varchar(20);
quantity_ integer;
price_ numeric(18,2);
orders := xpath('//Order', xmlcontent);
foreach order_xml in array orders
--return xpath('//Order/OrderHeader/OrderStatus/text()', order_xml);
id := array_to_string(xpath('//DocumentId/text()', order_xml),'');
orderStatus_ := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderHeader/OrderStatus/text()', order_xml), ',');
orderDatetimeStr := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderHeader/OrderDate/text()', order_xml), ',');
customer_ := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderHeader/Customer/text()', order_xml), ',');
if orderDatetimeStr is null or orderDatetimeStr = '' then
orderDatetime_ = now();
orderDatetime_ = cast(orderDatetimeStr as timestamp with time zone);
end if;
if id = '' then
id := 'SAL_' ||nextval('g_orders_id');
orderDatetime_ = now();
end if;
select into tempVal ordernumber from Orders where ordernumber = id;
if not found then
insert into orders(ordernumber, orderstatus, orderdatetime, customer, lastmodification) values (id, orderStatus_, orderDatetime_, customer_, now());
update orders set orderstatus = orderStatus_, orderdatetime = orderDatetime_, customer = customer_ , lastmodification = now()
where ordernumber = id;
end if;
processedIds := array_append ( processedIds, id);
lineIds := xpath('//Order/OrderLines/OrderLine/OrderLineNumber/text()', order_xml);
if array_ndims(lineIds) >= 1 then
foreach lineId in array lineIds
item_ := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderLines/OrderLine[OrderLineNumber=' || lineId || ']/Item/text()', order_xml),',');
quantity_ := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderLines/OrderLine[OrderLineNumber=' || lineId || ']/Quantity/text()', order_xml),',');
price_ := array_to_string(xpath('//Order/OrderLines/OrderLine[OrderLineNumber=' || lineId || ']/Price/text()', order_xml),',');
select into tempVal linenumber from orderlines where ordernumber = id and linenumber = cast (lineId as integer);
if not found then
insert into orderlines (ordernumber, linenumber, item, quantity, price) values (id, cast (lineId as integer), item_, quantity_, price_);
update orderlines set item = item_, quantity = quantity_ , price = price_
where ordernumber = id and linenumber = cast (lineId as integer);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
return getOrders(processedIds);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;