Rewind incremental key
You can reset or change incremental keys for Kafka connection points.
- Select .
- Select the connection point and click
A Rewind Incremental Load window opens with a listing of Documents, their Topics and Partitions and their Offset. The Offset is the last key used and from where the Document will be loaded during the next load.
. - Reset incremental keys individually per Document.
- Select a Document and the radio button, to reset the key and force the next load to be a full load and not an Incremental load.
- Select a Document and the
- If you skip ahead, then the values in between will be skipped during the load and it will start from the new Offset value. No Documents will be loaded for the Offset values skipped.
- ii. If you set the value backwards, then duplicate values may be loaded if the Documents were already processed.
radio button, then change the value of the Offset.
- Click to commit your changes or to cancel.