Role handling in the grid with SAML and IFS

​All grid applications that target end users have their own application types in the Infor Ming.le registry. These application types define the security roles that are relevant for each application. When one of these grid applications is installed in a grid, role mappings are created programmatically, to map the security roles to the corresponding grid application roles. After activation of the applications in Infor Ming.le/IFS, use the Infor Ming.le Portal to assign application roles to users. The grid role mappings created by the application map these to the correct grid roles.

Refer to each application's documentation for information about which roles are available and their purpose.

The security roles GRID-SystemAdministrator and GRID-Viewer are available in IFS. These security roles are mapped automatically in the Grid to grid-admin and grid-viewer, respectively. In some IFS environments, the GRID-Administrator security role may be available. This role is only intended for cloud purposes and has no use in on-premise scenarios. To manage the grid itself, we also recommend authenticating with a client certificate.