Customizing email properties and templates

These properties are used by default in the email notifications:

  • The email notifications have as sender the email address that is configured in the email settings from the ION Service properties.
  • The default Infor logo from the email templates set is used.
  • Data is displayed as trees in the email body.
  • The email subject is the same as the task, alert, or notification message.

Using a .properties file, you can specify the custom behavior for each monitor, workflow, or individual task or notification from a workflow.

You can use these custom behavior properties:

  • logo property, to specify a different logo.
  • fromAddress property, to specify a different sender email address.
  • DisplayTreesAsTable property, to specify whether trees must be shown as tables for alert data and workflow structures included in tasks and notifications
  • emailSubject property,to specify a custom email subject.
Note: The property names that are used in the .properties files are case sensitive.

To specify a different email layout for a specific monitor, or a specific workflow, create a .htm template file. The template file must contain the name of the monitor or workflow definition. The standard email_template.htm file is required for the monitors and workflows that do not have a customized template. Therefore you must create the new templates in addition to email_template.htm file.

The .properties and .htm files can be specified for a specific monitor, workflow, or a task or notification from a workflow as follows:

  • For a monitor, create a .properties and a .htm file that contains the name of the monitor. Place these files in the root folder with email templates:
    • monitor_properties_monitor
    • monitor_template_monitor name.htm
  • For a workflow, create a .properties and a .htm file that contains the name of the workflow. Place these files in the root folder with the email templates:
    • workflow_properties_workflow
    • workflow_template_workflow name.htm
  • For a task or notification from a workflow, follow these steps:
    • For each task or notification to be customized, create one file with the .properties extension to customize the email properties and one file with the .htm extension to customize the email body. For the same task or notification, use the same file name for both extensions. We recommend that the file name starts with “step_”. The file name does not have to be the same as the task or notification name.
    • In the email templates folder, create a subfolder with the same name as the workflow definition name that generates this task or notification. Place the customized task and notification files in this subfolder.
    • Add a section in the workflow properties file. Specify the mapping between the task or notification name used in the workflow and the name of the files for the customized email templates. The task and notification names may contain spaces. In this case they must be surrounded by braces {}.

      See Example of customized email templates for a task and notification.

  • The name comparison for workflow and monitor names is case-sensitive.
  • If a property or template is not specified at the step level for a task or notification, the workflow email templates or properties are used.

    If there is no customization at the workflow level, the standard email templates and properties are used.

  • If a property or template is specified incorrectly at any level, the default setting is applied, with the exception of the fromAddress property.

    If the fromAddress property contains an invalid email address, an error is logged in the ProcessPulse.log file and the email is not sent.

  • If the step name changes in the workflow, you must also update the step name in the workflow properties mapping file.