Defining alarm templates

  1. Specify generic information for the alarm template :
    Specify this information:
    Specify a unique name that identifies the alarm template. The name must contain the characters a-z, A-z,0-9 and ‘_’ (underscore). The maximum length is 255 characters. Multi-byte characters are not supported in a name.
    Alarm Description
    Specify the alarm description to be displayed in the Alarms widget or mobile application. This field may contain 255 characters at most and is optional. Use this field if the template name does not contain relevant information, such as the document name that is used in this template.
    Specify the description of the alarm template. This field may contain 4000 characters at most and is optional. The description is used only inside ION, to describe the purpose of the monitor to the business administrator.
  2. Select one document to be evaluated by this template
    1. On the Documents tab in the alarm template detail page, click Add to display the Select Document window.
    2. Select the document to be monitored.
    3. Click OK to add the selected documents to the monitor.
  3. Select the document attributes for the template.
    Select several attributes that can be used by the users to create conditions or to display in alerts. After selection, you can adjust the attribute name to a more descriptive name. Only the attribute name is visible to the end user.
    1. On the Attributes tab, click Add. The Select Attributes window is displayed.
    2. Expand the tree and select the desired attributes. The selected attributes are displayed in the tooltip of the “Selected” count at the top of the window.
      For details on the attribute types you can select, see Attribute types .
    3. Click OK. The selected attributes are displayed on the Attributes tab.
  4. Optionally, specify filters for selected attributes.
    Data elements and attributes that are part of a repetitive structure may require additional filtering to be used in a condition. For example, the Location from the ShipToParty information on a Contract document may exist several times. To specify which Location address details must be used in the condition evaluation, add a filter on the attribute "type" of the Location element.
    Users who create alarms cannot specify filters. If a repeating element is used without a filter, only is first occurrence is used in a comparison condition.
    To specify filters:
    1. On the Attributes tab, add one or more attributes that belong to a repeating group.
      For example:


    2. Select the attribute. The Filter button becomes enabled.
    3. Click Filter. The Edit Filter window is displayed. The xml-attributes of the selected element and the xml-attributes of its repeating parent elements are displayed.
    4. Specify the attribute to use for filtering. For example, specify type.
    5. Click in the Equals Value column and specify a value. For example, specify Office.
    6. Click OK.
    7. The path of the monitor attribute has now been updated with the filter condition.
      For example:


  5. Optionally, specify authorizations for the alarm template.
    1. Select the Authorizations tab.
    2. Click the plus icon to add a security role. In the Add Authorization dialog box you can filter on the role name and description. Select the applicable security role and click OK to return to the authorizations list. Users with this role are allowed to create alarms using this template. Security roles are created in the Infor OS Portal User Management application.
    3. Add or delete roles as required.

      If no security roles are added to the Authorizations tab, this template is available in the Alarms widget to all Infor OS Portal Homepages users.

  6. After the definition of an alarm template is finished, click Save. You can now activate or export this definition.