Specifying workflow drillbacks

You can use a workflow drillback to create an Infor OS Portal drillback on a task or notification. The drillback is based on a view definition. The drillback contains a mapping from workflow parameters towards view parameters.

Like parameters, configured workflow drillbacks can be used on the task or notification Content tab to model the contents of the notification or task.

To add a drillback:

  1. In the Workflow Properties pane, select the Drill Backs tab.
  2. Click Add to start the workflow drillback window.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of this drillback link. This name is used to show the link in the task or notification.
    Select an application name from the drop down list. These names are extracted from the drillback view definitions previously uploaded in the Infor OS Portal Admin Settings.
    Select a view from the list attached with the application selected before. The View parameters are added automatically in the lower part of the window.
    View parameters
    There are three standard view parameters and one or more view-specific parameters. Each parameter can be filled with a predefined value, or mapped to a workflow parameter. To type in a predefined value, select the Value option. To map to a workflow parameter, select the Parameter option. You can select the placeholder <ACTIVITY_ID> in the parameter drop down. This is replaced at runtime with the ID of the task or notification where this drillback is used.
    This table shows the parameters:
    Parameter Type Description
    Standard parameters These are the standard parameters:
    • Logical ID - this must be filled with the Logical ID of the application to drill to. The value must start with lid://
    • Accounting Entity - this parameter is optional. It can be filled with a value of the accounting entity, or leave it blank.
    • Location - this parameter is optional. It can be filled with a value of the accounting entity, or leave it blank.
    View-specific parameters Most often there is one parameter that identifies a document number, but a view could have any number of parameters. Consult the documentation of the application that delivered the Drill-back Views file about the meaning of each parameter.
  4. Click OK.