Specifying the workflow parameters and mapping the workflow structures

  1. On the Parameter Mapping tab, map the workflow parameters to the corresponding attributes in the document. You must map all workflow input and output parameters to attributes that have the same data-type. You can map the attributes of type STRING to the workflow input parameters of type HYPERLINK, CODE, USER, or DISTRIBUTION GROUP.
    Note: Be careful when selecting attributes that are repeating, or are part of a repeating structure in the BOD. Only one value is used in the workflow. For example, if you select an attribute from an order line, the BOD might contain multiple order lines that match the activation policy rule. In that case, the value from only one of the lines is used in the workflow. To send information from repeating attributes as input to the workflow, use structures.
  2. On the Structure Mapping tab, map the workflow structures to attributes from the document. Completing the mapping for structures is optional. Structures are considered optional input data for the workflow. You cannot have structures as workflow output.
    The structure root is mapped by default to the noun name from the document. You must map each level in the structure to a document attribute that has children in the document structure. Possible children are XML attributes or other XML elements. Click Map to select a document attribute to be mapped to the level. After a level is mapped, you can map its child fields to the child elements of the document attribute selected. To map a field, click Map next to the field name. A dialog box, that presents the document elements that have the same data type as the field you are mapping, is displayed. Select one element and click OK. The relative path from the parent level to the selected element is added to the mapping.
    Optionally, specify a filter for the selected document element. Click the Filter button next to the path you mapped. The xml-attributes of the selected element and the xml-attributes of its repeating parent elements are displayed. To edit the filter, specify a value for one of the attributes and click OK. The path is updated with the filter. At runtime, only the occurrences that comply with the filter are extracted from the document and mapped into the workflow structure. If there are several occurrences of the document element mapped to one single field, only the first occurrence is selected.
    1. If you make changes to the workflow structure in the workflow definition, refresh the configuration in the activation policy to retrieve the changes by clicking Refresh Workflow on the summary pane on the left. A refresh removes the existing mappings.
    2. You can skip several levels when you map a field to a document element. This is called a "mapping with elevation". If you mapped several sibling fields using a mapping with elevation, we recommend that you use a filter to ensure the fields are selected from the same path determined by the filter.
    3. Fields in workflow structures are single occurrence. Therefore, if the document element mapped to the field has multiple occurrences and you want to retrieve all occurrences, we recommend that you define a workflow structure level that is mapped to the direct parent of the document element. In other words, avoid mapping with elevation in this case.
    4. You cannot map a flat structure from a BOD, such as a custom BOD, into a more complex workflow structure, with several levels.