Combined condition

Create a combined condition to evaluate several condition types simultaneously in the monitor rule. All condition types can be combined using the logical operators AND and OR.

The evaluation result of a combined condition is based on the evaluation results of the sub-conditions. Parentheses are used to specify the order of evaluation.

This table shows the syntax:

Syntax [Condition1] AND | OR [Condition2]

You can have more than two sub conditions in one combined condition. For example:

[Condition1] AND [Condition2] AND [Condition3]

Condition1 A monitor condition already defined in the list of conditions.
Condition2 A monitor condition already defined in the list of conditions.
Evaluation if AND is used Evaluates to True if all conditions are True.
Evaluation if OR is used Evaluates to True if at least one of the conditions is True.

Combined conditions can be nested using this syntax:

Syntax [Condition1] AND | OR ([Combined Condition])
Condition1 A monitor condition already defined in the list of conditions.
Combined Condition A monitor combined condition, already built using AND or OR, based on the list of conditions. Combined conditions that are reused are surrounded by round parenthesis.
Note: In case two or more conditions are defined that apply to the same element and this is a repeating element, the conditions are evaluated within a single instance of that element and the combined evaluation happens for every repeating element. If the combined condition is True for one of the repeating elements, the condition is considered True.
For example, in a repeating element, this table shows if a filter is defined in this way:
Name Expression
ScheduleStatus [ScheduleStatus]='Shipped'
RushIndicator [RushIndicator] = 'True'
ScheduleOK ScheduleStatus AND RushIndicator

then, based on below received document, the filter reports the condition to be True, because:

  • The conditions apply to a repeating element
  • The condition is evaluated for each element
  • At least one of the elements evaluates true (for LineNumber 10 the Status=Shipped and the RushIndicator=true)
Evaluation The comparison conditions are evaluated first. Then the combined conditions marked by parenthesis are evaluated. The evaluation result is True or False.

Note that if one of the sub-conditions is of type DateTime Check, the evaluation of the combined condition waits for the timer to expire.

Example 1

You want to generate an alert if a sales order is shipped, and the shipment is late or it was partially shipped. You define a monitor that evaluates the SalesOrder and Shipment Application Documents.

The SalesOrder and Shipment Application Documents are related. In the monitor definition, you must select a reference between these Application Documents. See References.

You create these conditions:

Name Type Condition Description
SalesOrderShipped Attribute-Value Comparison SOStatus = Shipped Checks whether a sales order is shipped.
PartialShipment Attribute Comparison ShippedQuantity < OrderedQuantity Checks whether only a part of the ordered items were shipped.
DelayedShipment Attribute Comparison PromisedShipDateTime < ActualShipdateTime Checks whether the shipment was late.
PartialOrDelayedShipment Combined Condition SalesOrderShipped AND (PartialShipment OR DelayedShipment) Checks whether a partial or delayed shipment occurred.

Define a monitor rule of type "Condition Only". In this rule, select the PartialOrDelayedShipment combined condition. If a sales order that has the status shipped is intercepted, the monitor waits until it receives the corresponding shipment document. If the sales order and shipment documents are both available. The monitor compares the attributes from the defined conditions. If the combined condition evaluates to true, an Alert is sent.

Example 2

To generate an alert if a partial shipment occurs for items in the sales order. You define a monitor that evaluates the SalesOrder and Shipment Application Documents.

The SalesOrder and Shipment Application Documents are related. In the monitor definition, you must select a reference between these Application Documents. See References.

Create these conditions:

Name Type Condition Description
SameLine Attribute Comparison ShipmentRefLineNr = SOLineNr Ensures data is read from the shipment that belongs to the order line.
SameItem Attribute Comparison ShipmentItemID = SOLineItemID Ensures shipment data is read for the item used in the order line.
ShipmentOccurs Attribute-Value Comparison ShipmentStatus = Shipped Checks whether items were shipped.
LessQuantity Attribute Comparison ShippedQuantity < SOLineQuantity Checks whether only a part of the ordered items were shipped.
PartialShipment Combined ShipmentOccurs AND SameLine AND SameItem AND LessQuantity Checks whether a partial shipment occurred.

Define a monitor rule of type Condition Only. In this rule, you select the PartialShipment combined condition. If a sales order that has the status shipped is intercepted. The monitor waits until it receives the corresponding shipment document. If the sales order and shipment documents are both available, the monitor compares the attributes from the defined conditions. If the combined condition evaluates to true, an Alert is sent.