
ION is a browser-based interface that you use to configure and monitor all Infor ION services.

ION consists of a web page that can show multiple application pages.

You can switch the desk to your language by changing these settings:

  • The language and locale of Infor OS to your language in the user settings.
  • The language settings of the browser to your language.

The ION runs in Infor OS Portal. The user's Common Name and the current tenant name are displayed in the upper right corner of Infor OS Portal.

For ION, all resolutions of 1280x1024 and higher are supported. Collapsing the menu and the left-hand-side header panel provides an optimal user experience.

Note: Excessive zooming, more than 100%, is not supported.

In the upper part of the ION, this hamburger icon is displayed:

Menu icon

Click this icon to open the ION menu, which contains entries to the application pages.

This table shows the main areas of the menu:

Level 1Description
HomeStatus overview page. Shows the important counters for the active objects in ION.
ReportsShow reports. This menu entry is only available when reports are generated.
Connect Area to model connection points, data flows, and so on. View statistics and historic data.
Monitors & Workflows Area to model workflow definitions, event monitors, alarm templates, and so on. View statistics and historic data, such as monitors and workflows that are archived.
OneView Troubleshooting tool to trace the data throughput in ION.
Data Catalog Area to manage object schemas and other metadata.
Configuration Configuration area for miscellaneous configurations and downloads.
Data Lake Data Lake is available in Data Fabric. This menu option will be removed in October 2022.

This area provides management tools for Infor Data Lake, such as statistics.

Authorizations Configuration area for authorizations and page access.
About ION Shows the dialog box with the version information.

Menu hierarchy

This table shows the menu hierarchy:

Level 1 categories Level 2 pages or categories Level 3 pages
Connect Data Flows
Connection Points
File Templates
Enterprise Locations (CE-only)
Active Data Flows
Active Connection Points
Active Routings
Error BODs
Monitors & Workflows Monitors
Alarm Templates
Activation Policies
Workflow Schedules
Business Rules
Active Monitors
Active Alarm Templates
Active Workflows
Active Activation Policies
Active Workflow Schedules
Archive Archived Monitors
Archived Alarm Templates
Archived Workflows
Archived Activation Policies
Archived Activities
Delete Logs
Data Catalog Object Schemas
Schema Extensions
Data Lake (CE only) Atlas
Purge data
Configuration Codes
Error Reporting
ION Service
Downloads (CE-only)
Authorizations Desk Profiles
Desk Permissions
My Permissions
Workflow Authorizations
About ION

Most pages are on level two in the hierarchy. For example, to open the File Templates page, select Connect > File Templates.

Some pages are on level three in the hierarchy. For example, to open the Archived Monitors page, select Monitors & Workflows > Archive > Archived Monitors.

Accessing the Reports page

If you have generated one or more reports from ION, the hamburger icon gets a blue icon on top (“new” indicator). If you open the menu, a new entry, Reports, is displayed in the top of the menu. A counter next to Reports shows how many reports are generated. Select Reports to navigate to the Reports Overview page.

Types of pages

There are two types of overview pages in the ION: Tiles and Grids. The tiles are used for modeling objects. The grids are used for the status overview pages. The home page is also tiles-based. The tiles on the home page represent entries to other manage pages.