Specifying Input parameters

  1. Click the Input parameters tab.
    All input parameters/variables are shown.
  2. For each listed parameter select an Input parameter from the drop-down list with these options:
    No input parameters are sent.
    Input document Content
    Can be selected only for parameters/variables with String or Binary data types.
    Input document Headers

    You can only select this parameter for parameters/variables with String data type.

    Input document headers are sent in a form of name value pairs inside of an JSON structure. See the format example.

    Note: The definition of custom document headers must start with "custom_", otherwise the document header will be ignored when processing the script output.

    When Value is selected, define the constant value in the Value column.

    You cannot select this parameter for parameters and variables with a Binary data type.

    You must at least select one input Parameter, do not leave this blank.

    This is an example of a format of message headers in JSON:

      "documentName"        : "<string>",
      "messageId"           : "<string>",
      "fromLogicalId"       : "<string>",
      "toLogicalId"         : "<string>",
      "tenantId"            : "<string>",
      "accountingEntity"    : "<string>",
      "location"            : "<string>",
      "documentId"          : "<string>",
      "variationId"         : <long>,
      "revisionId"          : "<string>",
      "batchId"             : "<string>",
      "batchSequence"       : <long>,
      "batchSize"           : <long>,
      "batchRevision"       : <long>,
      "batchAbortIndicator" : <boolean[true, false]>,
      "instances"           : <long>,
      "source"              : "<string>",
      "custom_<anyUnqValue>": "<string>"