
  1. Alert me if payable invoice number 3456 exceeds the total amount of 10000 USD.

    To configure this kind of alarm, users must select a template for the Invoice document. The template must contain the document elements for the invoice number and the total amount.

    Attribute Name Path
    Invoice Number Invoice/InvoiceHeader/DocumentID/ID
    Total Amount Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount
    Currency Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount/@currencyID

    In the Alarms widget or mobile application, users can create two comparison conditions, which are by default joined by logical AND:

    • Invoice Number = 3456
    • Total Amount > 10000

    Optionally, a condition can be added on the Currency code, but this filters out the documents where a different currency is used. For the alert details, users can specify a message and distribution to themselves.

  2. Alert my team when customer ABC is added to our CRM system.

    To configure this kind of alarm, users must select a template for the CustomerPartyMaster document. The template must contain the document element for the customer Name. For checking for the specified action “Add”, the actionCode element is also required.

    Attribute Name Path
    actionCode (CustomerPartyMaster)


    Name CustomerPartyMaster/Name

    In the Alarms widget or mobile application, the users can create two comparison conditions:

    • actionCode = Add
    • Name = ABC

    For the alert details, the users can specify a message and distribution to the distribution group that represents their team.