Schema tab

The Schema tab shows the schema that was generated after the view was created or updated in Data Lake. This tab has two secondary tabs: Formatted View and Raw View.

Formatted view

The formatted view shows a list of schema properties and elements defined for the view.

A data grid is used to show important details for each property. The data that is displayed in the grid is derived from the keyword values provided in the schema.

This information is displayed:

The name of the property.
The title given to the property, if defined in the schema. If none of the properties in the schema contain a title, this column is hidden by default.

Describes the property in the schema. If none of the properties contain a description, this column is hidden by default.

Data Type
The data type of the property.
This column shows the order in which the properties in the view should be displayed to the user when viewing its data.

By default, the properties on this page are listed in ascending order according to this value. Any properties that do not have a position defined in the schema are listed after those that do. If none of the properties contain a position value, this column is hidden by default.

This column is used for string properties only. It specifies the maximum length that the value can be. If there is no maximum length defined in the schema, “Not Provided” is displayed in the cell.
Digits Before Decimal
This column is used for number properties only. It specifies the maximum number of digits that is allowed before the decimal in the value. If this value is not defined in the schema, “Not Provided” is displayed in the cell.
Digits After Decimal
This column is used for number properties only. It specifies the maximum number of digits that is allowed after the decimal in the value. If this value is not defined in the schema, “Not Provided” is displayed in the cell.
Negatives Allowed
This column is used for number properties only. A check box is used to indicate whether negative values are allowed for the property in the payload. If the minimum value that is defined in the schema includes negative numbers, or the minimum is not defined at all, the check box is selected.
Date Time Format
This column is used for date, time, and datetime properties only. For properties that use a standard format, “Standard” is displayed in the cell. If a custom format is used, then the exact format as defined in the schema is displayed.

To view a property as defined in the schema, a right panel has been added to the page. This panel is collapsed by default. To expand it, click the icon that is located at the top of the panel. After you have selected a row, the panel shows the selected row’s property definition in its raw format.

Raw View

The raw view shows the full schema of the view in its raw format. To search the schema on this tab, click anywhere inside the main area of the Raw View tab and press Ctrl + F. A search bar, where you can specify the text you want to find in the schema, is displayed.