Noun properties

The Noun Properties tab is only visible for BOD objects.

This tab shows the contents found in the noun properties XML file associated with the BOD.

Identifier Path
The XPath to the element that contains the unique identifier for the BOD object.
Accounting Entity Path
The XPath to the element that contains the accounting entity associated with the BOD instance.
Location Path
The XPath to the element that contains the location associated with the BOD instance.
Status Path
The XPath to the element that contains the status code for the BOD instance.
Shows the list of relationships between the current BOD noun and other nouns.

This table shows the column name with the description:

Column name Descript
To Noun The noun that the current BOD noun is related to.
From Path XPath to the element of the current BOD noun that is used to map it the related noun.
To Path XPath to the element of the related noun that is used to map it to the current BOD noun.