Identification headers

These message headers are used to identify the document, see Documentation Identification.
Document Id
Document Id is the ID for this document in its context, for example respective accounting entity, tenant etc. It can be used to track the document in OneView, trigger event monitors, activation policies and so on.

Document Id is alphanumeric, maximum length is 100 characters.

For BOD documents it is in most cases available in the message content, for example:


Revision Id

The revision is not used often, but it is used to differentiate multiple versions of a document with the same ID in the SOR. This is used for releases against a blank order, version of a contract, or revisions of an item.

Revision ID is alphanumeric, maximum length is 22 characters.

For BOD documents it is in most cases available in the message content, for example:


Accounting Entity

Accounting Entity usually represents a legal or business entity within the tenant, which owns its general ledger. Every single transaction only belongs to an Accounting Entity. Accounting Entity can also be defined as the owner of certain master data among the enterprise.

Accounting Entity is alphanumeric, maximum length is 22 characters.


A location is a physical place that is associated to a transaction. A location is owned by a single accounting entity, and may be used by multiple accounting entities.

Location is alphanumeric, maximum length is 22 characters.

Variation Id

The variation Id is used to identify the sequence of documents. It can be used at the receiving end to discover messages that are received from sequence.

Variation ID is numeric, the maximum value is 9223372036854775807.

For BOD documents it is in most cases also available in the message content, for example:


See Message sequence.