Creating an available application

Note: You can connect directly from the cloud side API Gateway to your IMS service or connect through Enterprise Connector.

When using a direction connection, ensure your IMS service access is exposed through the internet.

When using Enterprise Connector, ensure to have deployed Enterprise Connector version 2020-08 or later.

  1. Open API Gateway and select Available APIs.
  2. Add an available app using the ION Messaging Service v3 API suite template.
  3. Add a deployment endpoint - direct integration from API Gateway.

    Use this procedure if you want ION CE to connect directly to your IMS service.

    1. Specify this information:
      Deployment Name
      Default. You cannot change this.
      Use HTTPS
      If your client uses HTTP, disable this option.
      Host Name
      Specify the host name under which your IMS service is exposed through the internet.
      Usually, you must specify 443.
      Specify the rootpath to where IMS methods are exposed, such as /ims.
      Default Tenant Id
      Leave blank.
      Target Endpoint Security
      Select Anonymous.

      For testing purposes, select Anonymous for now. It can be properly secured later.

    2. Save the changes.
  4. Add a deployment endpoint - using Enterprise Connector.

    Use this procedure if you want ION CE to connect to your IMS service through an Enterprise Connector.

    1. Specify this information:
      Deployment Name
      Default. You cannot change this.
      Use HTTPS
      If your client uses HTTP, disable this option.
      Enable Enterprise Connector
      Select this option.
      Enterprise Connector Location
      Select your Enterprise Connector.
      Host Name
      Specify the host name your Enterprise Connector must use to connect to your IMS service.
      Specify the rootpath to where IMS methods are exposed.

      For example, if you use the Java IMSSampleServer, deployed at the same host as your Enterprise Connector, then the address is Usually, you must specify http://localhost:8000/ims/ionapi.

      In that case, also disable Use HTTPS.

      Default Tenant Id
      Leave blank.
      Target Endpoint Security
      Select Anonymous.

      Usually, you must specifyFor testing purposes, select Anonymous for now. It can be properly secured later.

    2. Save the changes.
  5. For the ION Messaging Service v3 available APIs, select Endpoints and open the Documentation.
  6. Try out the methods. Ensure that at least the ping and protocol method give a correct response.
  7. If it is working fine, then you can change it to use a correct security method.