
This table shows the available comparison operators:

Comparison operator name Description
Equal to True if the attribute is equal to the specified value of a type DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, or DURATION.
Less than True if the attribute is less than the specified value of a type DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, or DURATION.
Greater than True if the attribute is greater than the specified value of a type DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, or DURATION.
Less than or Equal to True if the attribute is less than or equal to the specified value of a type DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, or DURATION.
Greater than or Equal to True if the attribute is greater than or equal to the specified value of a type DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, or DURATION.
Not Equal to True if the attribute is not equal to the specified value of a type BOOLEAN, DATETIME, DATE, DECIMAL, INTEGER, STRING or DURATION.
Starts with True if the attribute starts with the specified string value.
Contains True if the attribute contains the specified string value.
Ends with True if the attribute ends with the specified string value.
In Set True if the attribute is equal to one of the values that are specified in the Set. Set is a list of string values separated by commas.
In Codes True if the attribute is equal to one of the codes that are selected from a specified code.
In Range

True if the attribute is greater than the specified "From" value and less than the specified "To" value in the Range. Range is a pair of numeric values of types INTEGER and DECIMAL.

Out of Range

True if the attribute is less than the specified "From" value or greater than the specified "To" value in the Range. Range is a pair of numeric values of types INTEGER and DECIMAL.